To The Point’ is a thirty-minute documentary commissioned by the British Acupuncture Council (BAcC) which highlights the growing body of scientific evidence that acupuncture is beneficial for various health conditions. The documentary includes interviews with some distinguished acupuncturists across the U.K with regards to their amazing work on the field of Cancer Care, Trauma and Pediatrics. The film also features interviews with some consultant oncologists about the effectiveness of acupuncture for the side effects of cancer treatments and a new trial that is being conducted by a consultant cardiologist in York with the collaboration of the Northern College of Acupuncture regarding the effectiveness of acupuncture in patients with atrial fibrillation. It's worth watching it!!!
The British Acupuncture Council is a member of the Accredited Register scheme run by the Professional Standards Authority, which is backed by the government. As member of the BAcC, we follow their strict code of conduct and safe practice guidelines.